Hey family! I feel like it has been a while since I have had time to just speak to you guys. March was my Q&A month so those topics were picked by you all. However, I did enjoy answering those questions and I plan on doing another one of those soon. I want to let you all know that I will be launching my website soon! A lot sooner than you may think. Follow my page on Instagram to stay updated on when my website will be launched because I will be moving my blog posts to that platform. Another thing that I wanted to update you all on is the fact that the structure for my blog posts will be changing after the month of May. I asked my Instagram followers what they will like to see for the remainder of the year. I was told that I should do You-Tube videos and continue with my blog post simultaneously. I was also told that I should release new content bi-weekly. I do believe that this is a great idea and I will work on making that a reality for the second half of the year. I do not have a professional camera yet but once I get one, I will get started on the you-Tube videos. I also got the feedback that blog posts should be shorter so I am working on making that happen as well. Well let’s get to this blog post.
“So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”-John 8:7. Today’s topic was inspired by this part of the Bible. In case you are not quite familiar with this passage of scripture, let me give a brief synopsis. In this passage, a woman who was caught in the act of adultery was brought to Jesus for judgement. According to the law, whoever is caught in adultery deserved death. However, the Lord turned to the woman accusers and told whoever was without sin to cast the first stone. The accusers walked away one after another and the woman left forgiven. I chose this topic because a lot of times as believers, we become the very own accuser to our fellow brother or sister in Christ. As Christians we are to extend grace to those who may fall in their christian walk. I just want to share a couple truths about this topic.
One of the first thing I want us to remember is that we all deserved death. A lot of times we tend to have a ranking of sin. Because of this, we extend judgement to our brethren who may struggle with homosexuality because we do not see our white lie as a sin as well. However, the truth is that I deserved death for gossiping just as much as my neighbor deserved death for committing murder. We all deserve death for our sins because there is no small or big sin in the kingdom of God. It is also important to note that satan is the accuser of the brethren and he does not need any help during his job.
We are able to extend grace to others when love our neighbors as ourselves. The Bible allows us to know in 1 Peter 4:8 that love covers a multitude of sins. It is important that we have the grace to cover our brothers and sisters nakedness. Do not expose your brethren sin to make yourself look more spiritual than they are but it is important to cover them. Do not be the one to gossip about another christian fall but instead cover their weaknesses. We are able to love others more when we see them through the eyes of Christ. Seeing others through the eyes of Christ allows us to call out the gold in the dirt of their lives. It allows us to see the woman who was caught in the middle of adultery as more than an adulterer. We are able to see her first as a daughter of Zion. Then we are able to see her as a woman who simply wanted the Father’s love but looked to someone else to give her that love.
If one of our fellow brother or sister in Christ happens to fall into sin then it is important that we restore them. Hebrews 12:12-13 says “Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.” It is imperative to remember that we are the body of Christ therefore all parts of the body are essential. If someone falls then simply pick them back up and strengthen them so that the rest of the body can function properly. A hand cannot function well when it is missing a thumb. In the same way, there will be some areas that will be lacking without a member of the body of Christ. Strengthen your brethren in prayer even after a fall.
As Christians, it is possible for all of us to fall! It is important that we extend grace when we know someone who may have fell because we could be in need of grace in the near future. 1 Corinthians 10:12 says “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” We all makes mistakes but our fall does not make us less righteous. Extend grace to the brethren because a righteous man falls seven times but he may need someone to pick him back up. Let us extend grace to our brethren during a fall guys. Pray for someone before you talk about them and see how God changes their heart. Love you all and praying for you.